Get ready for Circus! Science Under The Big Top as it comes to the Science Centre Singapore from 28 October 2017 to 18 March 2018.
The exhibition highlights how science has always had an important role in the circus and how circus relies upon a balance of artistry and science to meet new challenges and fulfil audience expectations. Just as science can satisfy our need to understand, the circus meets our need to be amazed, thrilled and even perplexed.
Visitors will learn the science behind the circus by performing, examining and watching the art. They will also be invited to hold various circus acts up to scrutiny, investigating illusion versus reality, pseudo-science versus science. Visitors will ”live the science” through the magic of the circus.
28 Oct 2017 – 18 Mar 2018
10am to 6pm daily
(Last admission at 5.30pm)
The Annexe, Science Centre Singapore