Handling Toddlers on Vacation
You have done a thorough research on your holiday destination; you have bought your air tickets and a bassinet seat for your little one, and booked the accommodations! But wait!!! Have you done the checklist what to bring on board for your little ones?
Here is the checklist:
- Favourite Toys
- Favorite Soft Toys & Pillow
- I-Pad with all the favorite cartoons and music
- Pacifier
- Different types of snacks
- Water Bottle
- Diapers
- Mummy’s boobs for breast-milk or Formula
- Jacket
So when you thought you are all well prepared for the dream holiday, with the perfect envisage that your toddler will be enjoying himself at the amusement park… reality sets in! The long queue at airport, the confinement and limited space on board have caused your little one to be bored and impatient! He hugs tight on you like a koala bear, and kept shouting “HOME”! And sudden the tantrum turns full blow… Your nightmare sets in, with all your efforts, your precious annual leave, the thousand of dollars spend on the trip have crashed! Is it all worth it?
Before you loose your cool, let us share 5 tips on how you could handle those vacation tantrums.
Routine check
Children are creature of habits. Can you recall the times when you are off the napping time and your child turns cranky? There are no secrets, children turns into little monster when they are tired, hungry and bored. Try to book your air tickets in conjunction to their nap time, so that after a feed, they can knock out during the flight. Try to anticipate your child’s needs and build in time in your itinerary to accommodate their nap time.
Ignore it
Some parenting tips advice you to ignore it because the child is throwing tantrum for your attention. I am not sure about you, but I think it’s so stressful and embarrassing when your child starts screaming until his face turns red, kicking, jumping and refused to stop. The ignore-it method might work depending on your parenting style, and it might end it sooner. Use this method only when you are consistent when your child throws tantrums at home.
Having my own parenting experience, I am not someone who can use the “ignore it” method on my child when he throws his tantrum. Most of the time, he throws tantrum for some valid reasons but he might be frustrated that he couldn’t express what he wants or what he is trying to convey to us. For example, sometimes he cried because he dropped his toys and unable to find it, or when his shoes dropped without us realising. Try asking your child questions like, “Where do you want to go? Is it the toyshop? Is your diaper wet? Are you hungry?” Or think: is it time for your child’s nap, does he want to poo? At times, before it reaches into a full blow tantrum, we will try to guess what our child wants and communicate with him.
Distraction is my best parenting tips! I know there is no point reasoning when my child is screaming and throwing the tantrum fits! Sometimes I do loose my cool, and started telling my child off, “Baby, what do you want? Stop it!!!” This is the time when daddy has to step in. Parenting is about partnership; someone has to stay cool and controlled. Sometimes, it’s just how amazing when the child is able to calm down when your spouse takes over and walks away. Sometimes preparing small presents works! It doesn’t have to be expensive toys, but a new toy usually works and you can grab their attention for a while. (You can always rewrap the toys that he hasn’t play for a while and it will look like a new toy.)
If you are not those parents that spoilt your kids with toys or gadget, try to grab their attention with snacks, or point out a new sight like the mountain or the autumn leaves that you don’t get to see in Singapore. Talk and sing to your child. Prepare little games to keep them curious and entertained.
A Big Hug
Going for a holiday can be fun but it can be daunting at the same time. The new environment, the different climate, the different skin color, even the air smells different can cause a child to be upset and insecure. A big and assuring hug can mean a world to them. Assure your child that everything is going to be okay and tell your child what to expect during the trip. Maybe he will be expecting to see and experience the Thomas the Train ride or experience snow for the first time? Let your child know what’s next by communicating with him. Be prepared to carry your child when you are abroad.
Children are versatile and even though it might take them a day or two to figure out what’s going on, don’t let the tantrum episode ruin your holiday! By the time you know it, your holiday will end very quickly. And remember, every child is unique and no parenting is right! It’s always the trial and error throughout the parenting journey!
Happy holidays!
Familystaysg team