In collaboration with Pop-Up Adventure Play, Chapter Zero Singapore is excited to bring you its first Pop-Up Adventure Playground of 2017 on the wonderful grounds of Ground-Up Initiative. To learn more about Ground-Up Initiative and their work, please take a look at http://
Our Pop-Up Adventure Playgrounds are public celebrations of child-directed play which are stocked with loose parts (such as tyres, wooden pallets, tubes, cardboard boxes, fabric, tape and string and common materials considered as “junk”). Our Pop-Ups gently introduce themes of risk and freedom to children attending them. Come and have fun with us, as we allow the children to show us how competent and creative they can be!
As always, our Pop-Ups are FREE. This Pop-Up is open to children of ages 3 – 12, and is a rain or shine event.
Note: Our photographer will be present to take event photography. Unless you inform us that you object to the taking and publication of photographs of you and/or your children (by way of emailing us at connect@chapterzero.org), we take it that you provide consent.
Also note: If you would like to support the work of Chapter Zero Singapore and Ground-Up Initiative at this event, we welcome donations to cover our costs.
11 March 2017, 330pm-6pm Free Admission
Kampong Kampus, 91 Lorong Chencharu (Yishun)