WHAT: In collaboration with Pop-Up Adventure Play, Chapter Zero Singapore is excited to bring you its first Pop-Up Adventure Playground of 2017 on the wonderful grounds of Ground-Up Initiative. To learn more about Ground-Up Initiative and their work, please take a look at http://groundupinitiative.org/ Our Pop-Up Adventure Playgrounds are public celebrations of child-directed play which…
Tag: outdoor playground
Marine Cove Reopens With 5 Dine-In Options For Families and Kids
Families with young kids can look forward to visit the newly revamped Marine Cove at East Coast Park this weekend as it is open from today onwards with a myriad of family friendly dining options, 3500 sqm marine theme children outdoor playground and the perfect spot for sea viewing. [metaslider id=7407] Image credits: MParader/Facebook MEGA SIZED…